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Contoh Soal Short Message Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Short Message Pilihan Ganda Beserta Jawabannya

tolong tuliskan contoh teks short message dan soal pilihan ganda 5

1. tolong tuliskan contoh teks short message dan soal pilihan ganda 5

Dear, Ani.

Ani, please meet me at the Library at 2 pm. Don't be Late Ok!


2. contoh short message bahasa inggris beserta soal dan jawaban

kl short message nya misalnya kyk gini:
Hey charlie! can i meet you after school at  lobby? i want to ask you something 
thank you.
fikriKl menurut aku si kya gini maaf ya kalau salah
To : Anissa
From : Liza
Siiry i cant come to your house this afternoon because my motorcycle is broken.can We make it tomorrow morning?
maaf kalau salah.. :)

3. contoh short message untuk orang tua beserta soal

short messege ke orang tua:
please mom..can you take my homework in my table and come to school now because i forget my homework

4. Buatkan contoh 5 soal pilihan ganda tentang -Instruction -Short Notice -Warning -Caution

susah juga ya........

5. Apa pengertian short message dan notice beserta contohnya​



adalah pesan pendek yang dikirim untuk memberti tahu seseorang tentang suatu hal karena tidak bisa bertemu langsung dengan orang tersebut.


Dear Beny

I invite you to have a meeting. please come to Rinnai Restaurant at 4p.m. on Sunday, April 1 2014. We'll talk about our football team's next competition.

please,be on time



Adalah informasi singkat dan sederhana yang ditunjukkan kepada banyak orang. Notice digunakan untuk memberi informasi, instruksi, atau peringatan kepada publik.



6. buatlah bacaan pendek 5 contoh soal dan jawaban tentang short message

1. Hello who is your name ?
    Me ?? Areta
2. Do you have boyfriend ?
    I have about 30 
3. Wow how about girlfriend ?
    No one
4. How do you communicate with your boyfriends?
    Using Telepathy 
5. Nice Prank Dude


7. berikan 5 contoh soal short message

Dear aly,
  please wait for me in the lobby after school today.
we need to make a plan for our basketball  club outing next month. we have to be ready with the proposal before the general meeting with all members next week.
  don't forget to ask hasti and pras to come along. as senior members of the club, they might come up with briliant ideas.


Dear Mom,
   sorry, i will be home late today because my basketball team has to practise until late this afternoon. mody, elfa, jeni and icha are with  me.
we need to practise a lot for the national tournament next week. i promise to be home right after the practice.


Dear Leoni,
   i put your dictionary on your desk. sorry i could not give it to you personally because i had to meet Mr. Asgan to submit my paper. thanks for lending it to me and john

your friend,

maaf cuman bisa jawab 3

8. dimana saya bisa menemukan contoh-contoh soal pilihan ganda taking simple phone message?


Google (simple right? :v)

9. apa yang dimaksud dengan short message, ciri cirinya, contoh short message dan contoh soal shot message? ​

Short message adalah pesan singkat yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan sesuatu kepada orang lain agar orang tersebut melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu karena kita tidak bisa bertemu secara langsung kepada orang yang akan kita beri pesan tersebut.

Ciri ciri short message:

kalimatnya pendek.

biasanya bersifat pribadi.

contohnya seperti SMS

Contoh short massage

Kepada: Diah

Mari bertemu di perpustakaan sakit ini jam 3 untuk mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Inggris bersama. Jangan telat!

jangan lupa untuk membawa buku paket Bahasa Inggris, dan alat perekam karena kita akan membebaskan percakan kita dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Terima kasih


pesan pendek.


1.adanya nama orang pengirim pesan

2.nama orang yang dituju,dan isi pesan.

isi pesan ditulis secara jelas agar mudah dimengerti.

jika pesan pendek berupa sms atau chat boleh mnggunakan kata singkat yang sudah diketahui maksudnya seperti: btw,4u,r u ok.

contohn sorht message.

dear deo.

there will be a web design championship.i think it is a good chance for us to chalange our creativity in making an interesting web designe by using some application.

i am pretty sure it will be great if we can participate.

the competition will be held in pemuda hall in the next two months.i intend to find further about it.we need to discuss it further tomorrow after school.looking forward to hearing from your ideas.



contoh pertanyaan:

the message aims to.......???.......

10. 2 contoh short message untuk orang tua beserta soal

1.Happy Birthday Father 2.Happy Idul Fitri,mother

11. 2 contoh short message untuk orang tua beserta soal

1. where are you?
answer: i'm in fira's house mom, but i will go home soon.
2. have you eaten?
answer: yes i have eaten, i ate in my friend's house

12. contoh short message tentang membuat janji beserta artinya dan pake 3 soal

i promise i never do that again
i promise i will make you happy
i promise i never leave you again

aku berjanji tidak akan melakukan itu lagi
aku berjanji akan membuatmu bahagia:v
aku berjanji tidak akan meninggalkan mu lagi

13. Buatkan contoh 5 soal pilihan ganda tentang -Instruction -Short Notice -Warning -Caution

Matematika= mathematics
IPA = Science
IPS = Social
Olahraga= Sports/ PE
Agama= religion
Seni budaya keterampilan= Art and craft
PKN = Nations

14. Contoh short message beserta 5pertanyaan dan jawabannya

next time , don't forget to make some questions to us
5 question with answers =
- What time is it now ?
it it a quarter to seven
- How many notifications in your instagram ?
10 notifications in my instagram
- Are they study for exam ?
yes , of course , they are study hard for their exam
- How many liters of water do you drink today ?
i drink 3 liters of water today
- Can you speak Indonesia ?
of course , because i'm Indonesian- Excuse me.What day is it today?I was forgotten it
Today is Sunday,dude
- Hi,could you help me to fix the machine?No problem
- Hi,how old are you this year?I twenty years old this year
- Could you help me in training of football please? Of course,come on
- Hey,what's your name/my name is Richard Wijaya
Semoga bermanfaat

15. contoh soal dan pembahasan short message services

A : What is sms?
B : Sms is a short message service
A : how to use sms?
B : take your mobile, choose your purpose mobile no and type your written text. then, you can send it soon
A : oke. thanks
B : You are welcome

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